
Worship at St. Andrew’s United Church

Service Times

We worship every Sunday at 10:30 am. You do not need to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19. Wearing a mask is optional. Hand sanitizing stations are available. You may also join us via our livestream on our YouTube channel at 10:25 every Sunday morning (link below). You can also watch the recorded service later on Sunday and any time after that on our YouTube channel. To view our livestream or recorded worship services, please click on the link below and choose the date of the service you wish to watch:

St. Andrew’s United Church YouTube Channel

Worship is regularly Sunday at 10:30 am. We also post our services to this website – please click on the HOME tab above to view our worship services. We participate in Shared Summer Worship Services with St. Mark’s and St. Peter’s United Churches in July and August each year. 

St. Andrew’s welcomes all people into a time of celebrating God’s presence and being a faith family together. In worship, we find ourselves encouraged, comforted, inspired, and challenged. The good news of every worship service is that God loves each one of us and wants to empower us to live joyfully. Together, we look for meaning in the Bible story and in our life stories, opening ourselves to receive wisdom from the Spirit and encouragement from one another. Our hope is that we leave worship with the assurance that God loves and values us and so we are equipped and energized to meet the challenges and celebrate the successes, knowing that “We are not alone.”


Through a mix of traditional and contemporary, the music ministry at St. Andrew’s energizes the worshipper and reflects the theme of the worship service. During the current phase of health and safety precautions due to COVID-19, singing by the congregation and senior choir is not permitted. However, our musicians continue to enhance the worship experience with music played on the Yamaha DC7 Pro Disklavier grand piano and Casavant Opus 3158 pipe organ. The postlude may involve a piano and organ duet with the organ being played while the Disklavier plays the other part, recorded earlier. Music at St. Andrew’s is a ministry rather than a program, inviting worshippers into joyful praise and an experience of spiritual awakening.


Most Sundays, children remain in worship for the first 20 minutes of the service. They can either sit with their families or gather at the children’s area to one side of the Sanctuary, where they are provided child-friendly activities related to that morning’s worship. During this part of the service, “Time Up Front” offers the children an opportunity to share in conversation with our Ministers about the morning’s theme/focus. Following “Time Up Front,” the children may accompany church school leader(s) to the children’s program on the second floor. Children are often invited to share in worship leadership and are always front and centre during special services (especially baptism). Children are also welcomed as participants at the celebration of communion.