Pastoral care is the caring response to people’s deep needs, and is at the core of our ministry at St Andrew’s. This ministry of walking with one another, and sharing the joys and challenging times in our lives moves us toward personal wholeness and nurtures relationship with the Sacred/God and with each other. Our minister, Rev. Dave Le Grand, is open and approachable and makes himself available to meet with you.
Connex Congregational Care Program
‘I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.’ Helen Keller
Among the many reasons people give for choosing to be part of a church-community, community ? tops the list. As human beings created in the image of a loving, relational God we crave caring connection with others. We need to “walk with friends.” It’s bred in our bones.
As part of our mission to be a welcoming, compassionate and inclusive Christian community of faith, St. Andrew’s is committed to offering opportunities for folks to make such caring connections: both informally, as friendships naturally take-root and grow over time, and more formally through our Connex Congregational Care Program.
Connex is intended to provide intentional, low-key spiritual support to every member of the St. Andrew’s family who wishes to participate. To this end, every household – single, couple or family – on our congregational list is assigned to a member of our Connex Team; a group of dedicated volunteers, whose on-going role it is simply to remain connected with the folks in their clusters.
This connection can happen in whatever way feels comfortable: whether a couple of times a year, or more frequently by phone, email, or in person. These friends-in-Christ keep their folks up to date on life and work at St. Andrew’s and serve as a liaison between those in their clusters and the ministry personnel, in situations where pastoral care is desired.
To learn more about the Connex Program, or to participate, please feel free to ‘connect’ with Alison Warner-Smith in the church office at 705-674-0721, ext. 101.
If you need someone to talk to, you may also call Alison.
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