About Us

Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the church office is closed except by appointment. Please contact the staff member you wish to meet with to arrange an appointment. Please click on the “CONTACT US” tab above for staff contact information.

Rev. Dave Le Grand:
By appointment only.



Alison Warner-Smith, Office Manager:
Tuesday-Thursday, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm. Phone or email only.

St. Andrew’s News

The “News” is published weekly to let you know what else is happening at St. Andrew’s and our wider community. If you would like to receive the News, please email the church office at church@st-andrews.ca to request the current edition and to join our mailing list.

This week…

Our worship service is virtual this week. Please search for “St. Andrew’s United Church Sudbury” on YouTube to view our service, which will be posted on Saturday evening.


We do not have a dedicated parking lot at St. Andrew’s, but there are several places to park your vehicle near our church. There is no charge for street parking on Sundays so parking on Larch Street or Lisgar Street is free (although you may have to arm-wrestle a few Anglicans to get a spot!). There are also two lots across from our church that are not used on Sundays, one on the corner of Larch and Lisgar, and one between the buildings directly across from the church. The parking lot between the church and the Best Western Hotel, however, is private.

Mission Statement

St. Andrew’s United Church is a welcoming, compassionate and inclusive Christian community of faith in downtown Sudbury. We offer meaningful and engaging worship, and provide leadership and support for mission-oriented programs and initiatives that are spiritually and socially relevant.

Vision Statement

Growing Spiritually, Building Community, Transforming Lives


We live out our core Christian values and practice responsible stewardship by:

  • Being in relationship with God
  • Encouraging life-long learning
  • Caring for our neighbours
  • Extending hospitality
  • Working with peace and justice in our community and throughout the world
  • Respecting the environment
  • Maintaining honest and open communication
  • Cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust
  • Managing our resources efficiently, responsibly and effectively
  • Practicing principled decision-making and leadership
Our Community

We worship together as a community of faith on Sunday at 10:30 am in the building of St. Andrew’s Place on Larch Street in Sudbury. There is a warm invitation and welcome to everyone. St. Andrew’s congregation is diverse and gathers from all parts of the Greater Sudbury area. We are young and old, of varying ideas and different opinions and we are bound together in our faith and commitment to be the church of Jesus Christ in our community and beyond.

Our Story

September 2014 – June 2018

With the departure of the Rev. Judith Visser in the summer of 2014, the congregation requested the appointed of a ministry team: the Rev. Catherine Somerville (who started September 1, 2014) and the Rev. Dr. William (Bill) Steadman (who started October 1, 2014). The two ministers job-share one position. Catherine has a focus on pastoral care (including Connex support), community support, outreach, committee support, member of the St. Andrew’s Place Board, and worship leadership (including preaching once a month); Bill has a focus of study group, worship leadership (including preaching three times a month), stewardship and financial committee support, outreach, and assisting in pastoral care. Both attend Church Council meetings and Presbytery meetings, as well as the Downtown Churches meetings. Catherine has a special focus on the support of the APANO program (Aboriginal Peoples Alliance of Northern Ontario); Bill works with the United Church EDGE network as well as HealthierChurch.org on congregational support issues. Both regularly support the programs of Club 111 Seniors Group that is housed in St. Andrew’s Place.

Catherine has lived in Sudbury for over 25 years, serving in a variety of positions, most recently as Personnel Minister of Manitou Conference for five years, and Bill returned to St. Andrew’s after a 9-year hiatus while he served the General Council office of the United Church and did some pastoral supply work in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Thornhill region of southern Ontario.

Since the arrival of the ministry team, the congregation has seen a renewed energy around ministry with children and youth. The congregation has sponsored several youth to attend a number of regional and national events; children continue to have a presence in worship, including involvement in the monthly communion services.

The congregation also has taken a renewed interest in connecting with our downtown neighbours, including work with APANO and our success in helping them to find a downtown drop-in location for Noah’s Space. Each June a barbeque is held with the Downtown Churches for people in the core of the city (June 8, 2018 is the most recent one), and the congregation holds a community party around the annual Santa Claus Parade in November. The Out of the Cold free hot meal program runs on Friday evenings late October or early November through mid-April, in cooperation with other congregations. The congregation ran its first Community Kitchen program in the winter of 2015, and it has continued. Initial funding for this program came from a Presbytery grant made possible through an endowment set-up from the sale of St. Paul’s United Church in Sudbury.

St. Andrew’s is known for its rich and diverse music program led by Dr. Robert Hall. Throughout the year several concerts are held in the beautiful sanctuary space, both community concerts and events sponsored by the congregation or led by the music director.

St. Andrew’s United is located in St. Andrew’s Place, which faced some changes since the Place housed the Laurentian School of Architecture for three years from September 2013 to August 2016. Kuppajo is a popular coffee bar/deli with tenants and the general public; Réseau ACCESS Network relocated their offices to St. Andrew’s Place in May 2017; the Downtown Sudbury Business Improvement Association offices relocated here in September 2017; and ergoCentric, an office furniture company, opened in 2017. The Nickel Range barber shop and hair salon, a long-time tenant, continues to operate in the Place.

Our History

For the history of St. Andrew’s United Church, from its beginnings in 1883 through June 2018, please CLICK HERE.