St. Andrew’s United Church Council

Church Council
Chair: Phil Thurston
Past Chair: Sylvia Carscadden

Minister: Rec. Dave Le Grand (ex officio)

Secretary: Tracey Sanders
Treasurer: Jill Bennett
Ministry and Personnel: Anne Pile
Sharing our Resources: Debby Laporte
Place Board Representative: Scott Darling
Regional Council Representatives: Bev Chapman, Donna Mese
Members at Large: Leslie Cassidy, Gail Wahamaa
Worship and Planning: Anne Pile
Children, Youth, and Family: Rev. Dave Le Grand
Welcoming and Belonging: Sylvia Carscadden, Leslie Cassidy, Ralph McIntosh
Connex Pastoral Care Partners: Rev. Catherine Somerville
Reaching Out: Sylvia Carscadden
Communications: James Warner-Smith
Sharing our Resources: Debby Laporte