Sunday Morning Programs for Children and Families:
Time Up Front
Most Sundays, before the children leave for their Sunday Morning Programs, children (and anyone else who wishes) are invited to the front for the “Time Up Front.” Our ministry team has a wonderful way with children, and gives everyone an opportunity to hear the message for the week and to respond to it, in a welcoming and inclusive way. (Many adults look forward to and get as much out of this time as the children!)
Church School
From September through June, children aged 5 to 12 participate in their own program of learning and community building, upstairs during Sunday worship. Our dynamic leader, Kate, gears the program to the age and interests of the children who attend. The Church School has been active in its own Mission projects, learning about and raising money for community groups in our backyard and around the world. On Communion Sundays, Church School starts right at 10:30 and wraps up in time for the children to join the rest of the congregation for Family Communion.
“Stay-In” Sundays
Children have their own place in our worship space and children can “Stay-In” during the summer, for special services. and on Sundays when there is no children’s program or they don’t feel like attending. This way they can experience the Sunday Service while they work on themed learning activities at the Children’s Tables.
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