Getting Involved

1. Volunteer Support: You can put your name forth to be called on to help with a particular project or event. Or, you can volunteer to be part of a committee which supports an area of our Christian ministry that appeals to you. Our serving programs are described in various sections of this website. Please contact the church office at 705-674-0721, ext. 101, or

2. Financial Support: You can financially support a particular ministry of our congregation (Worship, Life Long Learning, Outreach, Pastoral Care, Downtown Ministry), or you can give a general financial gift to support our ongoing mission programs. Financial gifts can be a one-time donation or you can give on a regular basis through offering envelopes or Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR). Please contact our Treasurer, Jill Bennett,  You can also donate via Canada Helps. Please click on the “DONATE” tab at the top of this webpage to donate using your credit card or PayPal.

We can offer programs that serve the needs of God’s children, but we need your support to implement them. Help us help others to help themselves.