What Is Love Like?

This Sunday we explore what love is like on the fourth Sunday in Advent and the last opportunity for us to get together as a St. Andrew’s family before Christmas Day.

Love presents itself in many, many ways.  It looks like a parent working three or four minimum wage jobs to pay the rent and buy the groceries. Love looks like that same parent deciding to buy school sneakers rather than the medicine the doctor said she needed. Love looks like a tiny baby, tightly bundled, lying in the feed trough in a barn – God becoming one of us and one like us, trying to find a home in the world.

Love looks like that same baby, grown to adulthood now, kneeling at the feet of his friends,
washing the muck from their feet, telling them “you should do as I have done to you.” Love is a solitary figure carrying a cross, carrying the weight of all the world’s pain and
sadness, yours and mine, too.

Love feels like a warm blanket on a cold night. Love feels like a heart overflowing. Love feels like a heart broken. Love feels like the solid ground beneath you. Love feels like a raging river carrying you away.

Love never stops caring, no matter what. Love hangs on and hangs in; love is tenacious.
Love gives itself away, even to those we struggle to like and value. Love is born in a stable; love dies on a cross; love overcomes death. Today we light the candle named Love. May its light help us find our way.

Join us at St. Andrew’s United Church this Sunday morning at 10:30 to share the love that Jesus Christ brings to all.  You can also stream the service on the St. Andrew’s United Church YouTube page.  Click the link below.

St. Andrew’s United Church YouTube Page


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