About Us

St. Andrew’s Place is a multi-purpose facility incorporating housing for seniors (50+), event and commercial space, as well as the home of St. Andrew’s United Church. It is located at 111 Larch Street, Downtown Sudbury.


The Place opened in May of 1973 and sits on the site of the original St. Andrew’s United Church. Throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s the old church faced serious problems with its physical structure which eventually lead to the need to demolish the building. A lengthy process of re-visioning St. Andrew’s occurred which resulted in a plan for a unique concept for a downtown church, that was to become a model for other United Churches in other parts of the country. The new facility would not only house the church, but commercial space as well as low-cost housing for seniors.

The Place Structure

St. Andrew’s Place is a not for profit corporation, governed by a volunteer board of directors. The Directors are comprised of members of St. Andrew’s United Church and managed by Luxor Property Managers. The Board meets monthly to attend to the business of the building and to ensure the continuation of its mission to serve the needs of the church, seniors, and the downtown community.

Board of Directors of St. Andrew’s Place

Scott Darling, President                                                                                                Scott Jeffrey, Vice President
Phillips Thurston, Past President

Robert Topp, Treasurer                                                                                      Humphrey Bob, Secretary                                                                                       Jane

Baggs, Director                                                                                          Cassidy Wayne, Director                                                                                          McClure Scott, Director                                                                                           Hughes Bernie, Director                                                                        Fines Herb, Director